Motivation Monday: Change

I haven't written a "Motivation Monday" post in a long time so I thought today would be the perfect time to share my recent motivation. Yes, I know today is Tuesday but I had this post 90% complete yesterday and never found those handful of minutes that I needed to finish my thoughts and hit publish. So without further adieu...
I have always believed that "if you don't create change, change will create you." I was never someone that embraced change when I was young because I preferred to stay in my comfort zone but over the years I have realized that change is the only constant so why am I resisting it?

As I was having a conversation with my Dad over the weekend, I realized that many amazing things in my life are the results of change. The most recent and biggest change in life occurred 9 months ago when I became a wife. One of the greatest days of my life. That change has brought love, laughter, peace, adventure and comfort into my life.

Discovering a passion which has lead me to my career in University Relations. These career changes have brought significant knowledge, new friendships, self-confidence and a greater understanding on how to achieve your professional goals.

When I relocated to Greensboro, NC for my first job after graduating from college. I was alone in a new environment. I found myself without my friends and family. I felt overwhelmed with the change and uncertainty. During this time, I learned the importance of independence, I realized that my true friendships would remain regardless of how many miles were between us, my family will always be my rock, and the training and experience that I received during those 18 months propelled me to where I am today in my career.
Through the many changes, I have realized a few valuable lessons.
1. Acknowledge change. It is inevitable. Regardless of the type of change, there will be a level of fear because we are taking on something that is unknown and sometimes uncomfortable. But I have learned that if I acknowledge and express my fear {or any other emotions} that I am able to navigate the change with much more ease and grace.
2. Accept and learn from change. Being able to accept change rather than resisting it {like I did when I was younger} has allowed me to handle change more effectively. I have come to realize that change happens for a reason and we need to be open to reflecting on the lessons that can be learned from the change.
3. Realize your growing stronger. Karen Kaiser Clark, an Inspirational Speaker, once said, "Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely." I have to appreciate the changes that occurred because I have proven to myself that I can overcome the uncertainty of change. Realizing the powerful impact that change can have on my life, I found that I'm becoming a stronger person when I am able to acknowledge, accept and learn from the changes taking place. Having the ability to continuously accept change allows me to grow personally and professionally. Change has provided me a level of strength to persevere.  
6. Change brings opportunities and new beginnings. I am a planner {always have been and always will be} but I have learned that each change is an unplanned new page in your book of life. Change will bring new opportunities and choices along with new beginnings and perspectives.  

A few additional thoughts...
My Company's Vice Chairman, Tom Mendoza, is also motivational speaker and wrote this great article that was featured in Forbes about embracing change.

If you are looking for a quick read that will provide a refreshing perspective, check-out The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. 


  1. This is great Stephanie, I actually love change. I'm a fan of taking chances and seeing what happens. To me it's always going to go 1 of 2 ways- You fly and it's amazing or you may fall a little but you will learn from it. Oddly enough, I embrace huge changes very easy but small routine interruptions not so well haha... I need to work on that! Happy Tuesday XO

    1. You are absolutely right, "you fly and it's amazing or you may fall a little but you will learn from it." I need to remind myself of this because I am always afraid of that fall. Xo, Stephanie

  2. I love this post! I have a very difficult time with change (which is almost humorous considering how many times I've moved in the last 7 years)! Something I am working on!

    1. I had no idea that you've moved so many times! I am hoping that each move gets easier for you and your sweet family. Xo, Stephanie

  3. Great post!! As I get older, I'm having a harder time with change but it is always for the good and makes me a better person :)

    1. That is very true, change definitely makes us stronger! Xo, Stephanie

  4. Embracing change is probably the hardest thing to do (especially when your life feels like you have zero control over it). BUT, change can be such a huge blessing, and in hindsight, without the changes, we wouldn't be the people we were meant to be (or the people we ever thought we could be). Great post :)

    1. I couldn't have said it better myself! Your strength and perspective are admirable, Shelby! Xo, Stephanie

  5. I love this! I'm terrible with any kid of change so these were fantastic to read.

    1. Me and you both! I am glad it was refreshing to read! Xo, Stephanie

  6. I totally agree with this! I actually like change even though it's really scary, but it's the start of something new which I love! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    1. I need to remind myself of that because you are so right! Happy Friday! Xo, Stephanie

  7. Love this! Change has always been so hard for me, love your notes!

    1. Me too! It is getting a little easier for me but I still struggle at times! Xo, Stephanie


Thank you for following along! Your comments make me smile. Xo, Stephanie